Arctic Adventure 2011

Hi all, We returned last weekend from another amazing trip to the artic north slope of the Brooks Range. We spent a little over a week living with the dogs out on the tundra, following the great caribou herds while we exploring the mountains and valleys. What a blast....

Valley Funale

Temperatures this past weekend were very warm and made it difficult to run dogs in the day time. Saturday we decided not to go out for a long run in the hot sun, but instead to head out to Two Rivers for the Valley Funale. We entered 2 teamsĀ in the 6 dog/ 10 mile...

Eureka!.. it’s spring break in Eureka!

So we decided to load up all the dogs and all of Thomas and Megan’s dogs (~40) and head out for spring break. Since we had the old and the young we decided to base out of the Wild and Free Mushing camp in Eureka, AK. Thanks to Brent, Kyla and Casey for the...

Spring is springing in the Northlands!

Spring is coming fast. We have a little over a month left to run the dogs before the snow leaves so we are getting out there and making the most of it. The days are getting longer with about 11 hours of daylight now and it is getting quite warm in the afternoons....