Gone are the days of updating our website, our blog, youtube, and facebook in all these places each and every time we want share information with you. Our new site is all linked up so we can do all but facebook in one location which makes it easier for you to follow along with the team. When we upload videos to youtube they are automatically embeded into the new site ready to view in our videos link. If you click on “Follow Us”, you’ll find that our blog is part of the site now and we even have our personal GPS spot tracker opening in a page so you can follow us on the trail. We have all of the dogs featured under “The Sled Dogs” link. Here you can learn about each and every dog and if you feel like supporting the team, you can sponsor your favorite dog directly from that page via Paypal. Since the website is new, there are bound to be some little glitches, please feel free to comment and let us know what you think of the site. Also with it being new, there will be frequent changes over the course of the summer, so check back regularly to see if new photos have been uploaded and what other exciting features have been added.


We would like to thank our friend, Adele Wiejaczka of Live Large Design, for working with us on this site to get the look and feel that we were going for. If you are looking for someone to help you with a new website, you will want to work with Adele. We were able to accomplish all of the planning over the internet / phone and she has set up a platform that is easy for us to update on the road and has spent the time to teach us how to use it. We are excited!!