2010 Arctic

In 2010, we took 1 team of 14 dogs and attached 2 sleds. We wanted to travel for a week with the young dogs in the Arctic. We visited some of our favorite old spots and also explored some new ones while hunting caribou. Another fabulous trip in the arctic. Back to...

2011 Arctic

In 2011, we decided to explore the Saganavirktok River valley north of the Alaska Brooks Range while hunting for caribou. We had a few friends mush and ski in to spend portions of the week with us. Another great adventure with the dogs! Back to Expeditions Photo...

The Copper Basin is on!

So Paige pulled the hook at 12:58 today headed for the first checkpoint 59 miles throught the Alaska Range to Paxson AK.. Due to high winds and significan snowfall recently the trail is rumored to be deep and drifty. She will likely take a little longer to get to...

The Solstice 100

Well we finished our first race of the season, a local 100 mile race in Two Rivers, Alaska. It was just what we needed to get the dogs out on the trail and used to the race format. We have several dogs that are new to us this season and some 2 year olds that have...

Change of Plans

Well folks, as usual, plans have changed. We had a few too many dog on the injured list lately. Nothing very serious, just wrists and shoulders that weren’t very happy but enough problems that we didn’t have enough dogs for 2 full teams in the Sheep...