The Solstice 100

Well we finished our first race of the season, a local 100 mile race in Two Rivers, Alaska. It was just what we needed to get the dogs out on the trail and used to the race format. We have several dogs that are new to us this season and some 2 year olds that have...

Change of Plans

Well folks, as usual, plans have changed. We had a few too many dog on the injured list lately. Nothing very serious, just wrists and shoulders that weren’t very happy but enough problems that we didn’t have enough dogs for 2 full teams in the Sheep...

Winter is in Full Swing

Well here it is, almost December. Sorry about the lull in blog entries. I guess we have been slightly busy around here since we last wrote.  Fall training has gone awesome. We started with 30 adult race dogs training and 12 yearlings that are also running in harness,...

Norwegian Mushing Symposium

Our side business, DogPaddle Designs, is attempting to expand our sled sales to Norway and Sweden. Barry Siragusa of RoppHaugen Consulting in Norway agreed to help us try to import sleds to Norway.  We decided that the Hakadal Sledhunklubb seminar would be a great...

It’s Finally Fall

It’s official, it is fall in the northlands again. The leaves turned yellow and a couple days later they are already stacking up on the ground. There is nothing like cruising through the birch forest while on a puppy walk or with the team and quad… The...