This summer has been the summer of extremes.. extreme projects that is.. One of these major projects was to take our pretty little forested hobbit dogyard, which was actually quite treacherous when covered in snow an ice, and turn it into something safe for dogs and mushers and efficient for hooking up and feeding the dogs.
Our yard is on a pretty good slope and used to be completely forested. This was great for providing shade for dogs in summer, but after a couple years the dogs had dug up the roots killing most of the trees and creating a very unsafe surface for mushers hooking up teams. Trees started to fall last winter and Paige had back surgery so we decided it was time to do something while the dogs were away on the glacier. So we cut down all the pretty little trees and called in the dozer.
Yogi was the foreman as usual, but John from Heavy Horse construction, a fellow musher, made 3 terraces out of hour hillside with paths for trails to shoot through each level of dogs.
We then put down some small gravel to keep the yard from being mucky when wet.