Now Hiring for 2024-2025 Season

Squid Acres Kennel has several employment opportunities for the summer of 2024 and winter of 2024-2025. We are looking for experienced handlers and guides. We operate a kennel of 40 racing/expedition huskies and are planning 2024 Yukon Quest and Iditarod teams as well...

Iditarod Checklist 2018

    IDITAROD 2018 CHECKLIST Cody here. Over the past couple weeks, WE have been working hard to get my Iditarod drop bags, the team, sleds and other gear all set for the big day.. Time to go through my checklist and see if we are ready!      ...

What’s for dinner? The Musher Meal Menu.

We talk often about how we feed the dogs while on our cold weather mushing adventures, but we rarely get around to talking about what we eat. Just like the dogs get fed a high fat, high protein meal that is the equivalent of “doggy rocket fuel” (the term coined by...

Day 7 Yukon Quest Squid Morning Update

Day 7: Yukon Quest Morning Update   Sorry for the hiatus in updates. This computer musher was called in to be a handler in Dawson. Now that we have the team back on the trail, I will do my best to keep up with the action. Paige left Dawson last evening at 5:25 pm...

Day 4 Yukon Quest Squid Morning Update

The handler team has united in Dawson City. I rolled in last night at 9pm with Mike Ellis. It was a beautiful drive and we made great time doing the entire 900 mile drive in 15 hours with two quick stops for meals. Mike brought up the contrast of what we just...

Day 3 Yukon Quest- Early morning update

Well I’m up. 3:15 am AKST. I got 2.5 hours of sleep and am ready for the long haul. Mike Ellis and I are about to hit the road to Dawson City. Mike will be helping Brent Sass at Dawson and I guess I’ll give me lovely wife a hand. We have our own little Quest ahead of...

Commentary by Cody: Day 2 Yukon Quest Evening Update

Well I have to admit, I’m a bit behind on what is going on in the race. I spent the day running a team and getting the handlers at home squared away with their training schedules for the remaining teams. We have puppy teams running, a yearling team, a race team that...

2016-2017 Stomping for Team Squid Fundraiser

   Join Team Squid for a fun night at Ursa Major Distilling. On December 23rd from 8:30 to 11:30, we are holding our first Team Squid Fundraiser to help cover costs of running the Yukon Quest and Iditarod. The Rock Bottom Stompers will be playing some...

The Dog Days of Summer

Summer time for the athletes of Squid Acres is almost as busy as the winter. When we return from our annual arctic trip, we put the mushing gear away and hit the RESET button. We begin working towards winter once again. Summer is the time when we try to make our money...